
Scars and beauty shots

Amalthea has acquired some scars over the course of her adventures. And, thanks to Xenius’s High Resolution Scars mod, they look realistic. (Go here if you want to see what other mods I use.) If you’re interested in looking at gratuitous sexy female character screenshots, just click on any picture to open the slideshow.

Proudspire Manor

After running enough errands in and around Solitude, Amalthea was finally made a Thane. This excited her because it meant another house, and Amalthea loves few things more than acquiring property. She was glad she’d spent so much time crafting, gathering, looting, and selling, because Proudspire Manor was not fucking cheap.
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The manor also came with a housecarl, Jordis the Sword-Maiden. She looks sexified thanks to rxkx22’s Bijin Warmaidens and Caliente’s Nocturnal Dress.
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Pretty girls kill things

Eola and Amalthea enjoy getting bloody.

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Eola – the sexy cannibal companion

After being initiated into the Coven of Namira, Amalthea decided to leave Lydia to stewardship and take on Eola as a follower instead. Who could resist someone like this?

I’m using rxkx22’s Bijin Warmaidens mod for the feisty cannibal. Her armor is Lustrianna’s LustDesign – Dovahkiin Mercenary Gear (first) and Zerofrost Satyr’s Raven Witch Armor (second).
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The Dark Brotherhood

After killing Grelod the Kind, Amalthea received a cryptic anonymous note. At least the author should be easy to find, since they’ll have a black palm.
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Amalthea prefers her victims to be able to see her killing them, but she’ll have to make do.

Although I thought the “defiler of daughters” line was pretty funny, Amalthea took offense. And so Vasha became the sacrificial lamb for Amalthea’s acceptance into the Dark Brotherhood.

This is not at all an ominous or conspicuous door.

Fuck, Sithis is sexy. I love me some chaos deities.

And of course Amalthea looks dope in her assassin gear (using Dark Brotherhood Shrouded Armor CBBEv3 by Echo 1162).
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Lydia – a Thane’s best friend

Amalthea and Lydia have been through a lot of shit together. And during about 70% of it, Amalthea has been wishing Lydia would just shut the fuck up.

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She’s prettified thanks to DonPIZI’s Really Cute Lydia mod, and she’s currently rocking Lustrianna’s Sovngarde Steel Armor.

The Wreck of the Pride of Tel Vos (the sexy version)

I love discovering shipwrecks, not just for the booty (heh heh), but because horrorview’s Sexy Boats makes them so goddamn luscious.

Take the wreck of the Pride of Tel Vos, for instance.

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