Meet Marilyn from Vault 111

So I updated Nexus Mod Manager, which uninstalled and then reinstalled all my Fallout and Elder Scrolls mods, and now I’m leery of running Skyrim in case everything got fucked up, and I don’t feel like being irritated right now.

I decided instead to use this opportunity to mod the hell out of Fallout 4 and start a new game. Enough time has passed that I’m sure I’ve forgotten everything I learned when I played 130 hours of it last fall.

Without further ado, let’s travel to Sanctuary Hills, a lovely suburban neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts. The year is 2077, and the day is October 23. Here we visit the home of a happy, successful couple, Nate and Marilyn. Nate is retired from the Army, and Marilyn is a stay-at-home mom with a law degree. The couple has an infant son named Shaun and a robot butler named Codsworth. Life is good…for now.

Meet Nate and Marilyn.


Marilyn is so bootylicious that Nate is compelled to hump the sink.


Obviously Nate doesn’t just make love to bathroom fixtures, because he and Marilyn made a burrito together. I mean, a baby. A baby that looks like a burrito. His name is Shaun, and here he is being entertained by a mobile of toy rockets. I think Shaun knows something’s up and he’s giggling at the irony. He’s a very observant baby, OK?


Marilyn and Nate are getting ready for a veterans’ ceremony when the doorbell rings. Marilyn opens the door to a pesky representative from the Vault-Tec corporation.


Apparently this guy has been bugging the couple harder than a Jehovah’s Witness pitbull selling Mary Kay. But he’s offering something for free, so Marilyn takes it. Why not? It’s not like she’s ever going to need to evacuate herself and her family to a vault to escape nuclear annihilation.


Well, shit.

As Marilyn hauls ass to the fallout shelter, she thinks about how fortuitous it was that the Vault-Tec representative just happened to stop by and register her family for Vault 111 mere minutes before the bombs hit.

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Some people just live right.

What will happen to Marilyn? Will she be reunited with her family after the fallout clears? Will she be trapped forever in the vault? Will she change into lower-waisted pants?

All these questions and more will be answered in time…