Reflections on feral ghouls

One of my thrills in playing the Fallout series is the random shit that sub-human characters like feral ghouls, trogs, and lobotomites are usually carrying around. Like a lot of things in Fallout, it’s funny until you think about it, and then it’s a sobering reminder of both the persistence and fragility of humanity.

Feral ghouls were human once…and then they were human-like ghouls…and then their very humanness deteriorated. Sometimes, when I’m feeling especially philosophical, I imagine that the random objects in their inventories were whatever made them feel most human, most themselves, as they experienced the gradual decay of everything that made them “them.” The ghoul carrying a baby rattle might have been a new mother in 2077, and for 210 years has carried her baby’s rattle in an attempt to stay connected to her very self.

Of all the junk in the Wasteland, what would you carry around to represent your humanity?

(I’d have to go with the coffee cup, myself. Or a pillow. I do love to nap.)

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